Poetry book gives a multi-faceted look on love, lust and lonelinessISHPEMING, MI — When it comes to being a poet there is no attribute more important than passion. It is passion that will propel you to write, day in and day out. It is passion that will keep you immersed in the poetic medium through the years. It is passion that sets a fire in your heart for the written word every day. Author Tim Cross knows this better than anyone. It is also this passion that has inspired him to write a collection of poetry in Poetica Erotica.
In Poetica Erotica, the author uses his experiences with women through the years. Some he met face to face, and some he met online. And through his many years of contact with women he has always wondered one thing, He wondered about their motives, did loneliness instigate their actions, did they do it just for fun or were they actually looking for another partner or even a discreet lover. And as a poet he was entranced and curious of these motives. Which is why he has set out on creating a collection of poetry based on his experiences with the women in his life.
Poetica Erotica is a masterfully written collection of poems that shows the many aspects of love. Is it really love a man feels or is it just mere infatuation? How do relationships shape people? This enthralling collection of poetry delves deep into the human psyche with the hopes of answering these questions.
Poetica Erotica by Tim Cross
Paperback | ISBN 978-1-64069-163-6
Hardcover | ISBN 978-1-64069-167-4
PDF | ISBN 978-1-64069-164-3
EPUB | ISBN 978-1-64069-165-0
Kindle | ISBN 978-1-64069-166-7
Available at BookVenture, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book retailers.