Author Rinea Simpson is a beautiful compilation of poetry on life
ISHPEMING, MI — Life is full of challenges and it can sometimes be very confusing. This is the world we live in and if you do not have a real sense of self you can be lost in the strong currents of life. Author Rinea Simpson knows this better than anyone, and through the years she has seen the injustice and pain that is prevalent throughout the world. Which is why she has set out to write poetry that combats these evils. With her poetic heart and love for life she strives to help other people through her poetry.
Realness is a beautiful compilation of Rinea Simpson’s poetry and short stories. It encompasses her many experiences in life and how she faced every challenge with her own unique blend of creativity and courage. The poems found in this enlightening read tackle many issues humanity faces in this day and age. The issues range from lack of educational support to the difficulty of faithfully living a faith filled life. All the poems are lovingly written and radiate the author’s need to illuminate readers on society’s need for social change. The poems show the author’s love for life and her perceptions on the world.
This illuminating poetry book takes readers on a captivating look through the author’s life and how faith shaped her as a person.
Realness by Renea Simpson
Softcover | ISBN 978-1-946250-52-0
PDF | ISBN 978-1-946250-54-4
EPUB | ISBN 978-1-946250-55-1
Kindle | ISBN 978-1-946250-56-8
Available at BookVenture, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book retailers.